Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg speaks to every woman who faces the choice of career or family life. This books talks about the different challenges women encounter in the workplace and at home. Even in the 21st century it is difficult to be a woman especially if you are one who decided not to follow the ‘traditional’ role of stay home mom/wife.
I loved the book and I admire Sheryl for using her position and status in the industry to raise the issue in the name of all of us. I was identified with practically everything she said in the book and now I know that some of my personal traits are just in the wrong gender. I support her message to stop self-limitation, to give each other support (men and women), and to make a conscious effort to change the way we express gender differences in all environments.
Gender differences are so apparent and still we make so much effort to never talk about them in the workplace. We whisper behind closed doors and at home and we make comments such as ‘how could she apply for a new job if she was pregnant?!’. I try to questions these comments everytime. Probably from now on I would take a more firm stand especially if the comment, like in this case, comes from another woman.
Lean In has both factual information and stories of real women mostly in the West. To be clear, this book does not address situations that women in other parts of the world confront on a daily basis. Sheryl admits that in this side of the world women are better off than in the rest of the world. However, that should not be a consolation and an excuse to stop the path to real equality between men and women at home and at work.
This book is available in paperback and Kindle.
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